I had a dog, his name was Jack Rabbit Throw him a stick, throw him a bone – he’ll jump right up and grab it Run like a wind, jump like a deer there you have it Best dang dog a man ever had His name is Jack Rabbit
Well you see a rabbit run, say “Get’em Jack” Count to ten – and he’d bring’em on back He could run it a sprint through a holler log He was half blue heeler half hound dog
My dear wife we named Big Nelly She’d laugh so hard she shook like jelly She’d send Jack Rabbit to the grocery store With a dollar in his collar, sometimes more
Well my first boy we named Red Jimmy He’d throw up a stick and say “Jump Jack, gimme” That dog’d grab it outta the air He took first place at the counry fair
I had a dog, his name was Jack Rabbit Throw him a stick, throw him a bone – he’ll jump right up and grab it