I saw you standing alone with a sad look on your face You call him on the phone Looks like he left you without a trace Tears falling out of your eyes He's living in a disguise
You've been feeling bad for so long You wonder if it's right or wrong Why do you want Him? Why do you want Him?
Now many days have gone by And you still just sit there & cry You're feeling bad for yourself His memory will always dwell You're so obsessed with his love That's why push came to shove
You've been feeling bad for so long You wonder if it's right or wrong Why do you want Him? Why do you want Him?
Green Day - Why Do You Want Him? (with lyrics ... Lyrics by Billie Joe Armstrong, music by Green Day. ... Green Day - At the Library & Why Do ...
Green Day - Why do you want him? You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... the first written by Billie Joe ... @sasgay ...
Green Day - Why Do You Want Him? (Traducida al ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... Billie Joe Armstrong 3 years ago ...
Part 1: Best Guitar Solos by Billie Joe Armstrong ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. .... So far I think that the best pop punk ...
Billie Joe Armstrong signing stuff and talking about ... Billie Joe at the stage door on April 5, 2011-his first night returning as ... What do you want him ...
Billie Joe Armstrong : Guitar Player (Green Day ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. .... those solos were so good the why do you ...
Ein Video über Billie Joe Armstrong by ... You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. ... Ein Video über Billie Joe Armstrong ...
How to solo like Billie Joe Armstrong (better version ... That's Loud, Paper Lanterns, Why Do You Want Him, 409 In Your Coffee ... can you do a vid ...