O, my name was Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed, O, my name was Captain Kidd, as I sailed. My name was Captain Kidd And God's laws I did forbid, And so wickedly I did as I sailed, as I sailed. So wickedly I did as I sailed.
I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed. O, I murdered William Moore as I sailed. I laid him in his gore, Not many leagues from the shore, O, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed. I murdered William Moore as I sailed.
I spied three ships from Spain as I sailed, as I sailed, O, I spied three ships from Spain as I sailed. I spied three ships from Spain, and I fired on them a-main, And most of them I slain, as I sailed, as I sailed. And most of them I slain as I sailed.
Come all you young and old, see me die, see me die. Come all you young and old, see me die. You are welcome to my goal, And by it I lost my soul Come all you young and old, I must die, I must die. Come all you young and old, I must die.