Be ready to go all the way Even if there's someone who betrays You have to go on to the end Or you ran out of your demands?
Elder scrolls I have found in cave There was a message From one I have to save Mistery sign we both have I found him in the gouge He was just a filthy rouge
Не рад был встрече он, Был сильно рассержен И мы достав клинки из ножен, Вступили в бой.
Be ready to go all the way Even if there's someone who betrays You have to go on to the end Or you ran out of your demands?
Swords are enchanted by whetstone Shields are enchanted by the sages We ready to fight for the throne Noone will help us, even ally-mages
И больше не время убегать Прошлое смогу лишь сам узнать И все же кровавым был исход Тело мое теперь холодное, как лед
Be ready to go all the way Even if there's someone who betrays You have to go on to the end Or you ran out of your demands? I have no choise but to win Ведь куда ни кинь - всюду клин