Two six packs of Shiner 99 cent butane lighter Lucky Strikes and a fifth of Patron ice down that Igloo cooler tank of gas that oughta do er’ I can feel a good one comin’on
Throw in Ray Wylie Hubbard sing along to “Redneck Mother” any blues I had before are gone another workin’ week is over no chance of stayin’ sober I can feel a good one comin’ on
[Chorus] Yea we’re gonna roll all night we’re gonna get the feelin’ right we’re gonna keep this party rockin’ till the break of dawn I can feel a good one comin’ on
Three blondes in a rag top Mustang followed us down to the lake and… didn’t have to think about that too long skinny dippin’ in the bright moonlight situation couldn’t be more right I can feel a good one comin’ on