The whole weight of this world It bears down unto you Manipulation of our governments Profit preaching providence The cost for you to live A price you can't afford The body bags they fill each day They were forced to live this way
Covet resources Profit off our needs The disregard for life Spreading the disease
Privatize your social systems Buying out your rights Modern day slavery A product of poverty
Like time controls the things we've done It will never let us back Like time controls the things we've done We will never come again It's what we do right here and right now That sets us on our path The choice is ours to take this leap To shape this world for harmony
Covet resources Profit off our needs The disregard for life Spreading the disease
The pyramid, that represents The pain and misery The ones who sit upon its top Their hearts are filled with greed There is no room for you and me Its only give or take In a world where children starve at night The idea of poverty
This global conspiracy Expose their treachery Light will prevail here Awaken your mind's eye This world is ours Seek to expose the truth The power of thought It holds weight over you Like the weight that they held over us This world is awakening Sick of the suffering Change is calling for you For you For you