'Blu Mar Ten Music Podcast' Episode 4 (03.12.2012)
Music we love, music that influences us & tracks from our label, @blumartenmusic
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Tracklist: Ed:it - Shutter - Buy (available Dec 3rd 2012) eleven8 - Across the Sky The Cure - Sinking Fink - Pretty Little Thing Public Enemy - Security of the First World Toasty Boy - Skinny Makeup & Vanity Set - Collapse Wax Stag - George White Heavenly Beat - Elite Badmammal - Sending & Taking Pantha du Prince - Lay in a Shimmer Bach - Cello Suite Eveson - Things You Say Odesza - How Did I Get Here God is an Astronaut - Remembrance Day Dead Can Dance - Devorzhum Mr Projectile - The Story On Your Face - Blumarten – Xxx Yosebu - Dew Epic 45 - The Stars in Autumn (Bibio remix)