Kill!… Syringe injection immobilized her Venom is now running through veins Paralyzed - unable to leave Soon the carcass will be, disunited The sound of the chainsaw, cutting through the flesh Siphoning blood, shoots ceiling and walls Splitting the skin, - muscle tissue and bones Sluggishly crooked body, left arched by damaged nerves Spine severed from brain, every joint is now torn with Limbs nailed to the wooden floor Carcass waist deep in sewers, surrounded by rancid innards Seared by my urine To cause the suffering is my paramount craving, i lust the Sight of bleeding Knife tortured virgin Life torn by division Incision torn bone from the skin Knife tortured virgin Life torn by division I salivate before the kill
Knife tortured virgin, severed from skin, left to putrefy blood filled sacks of human meat Innards decay, inside skinless carcass hung from darbies, dripping into mud Knife Molested, and butchered virgin, hung by her own guts This is my gore sermon my paramount craving a craving to kill craving to butcher to carve up and suture I desecrated decapitated, sword her with the knife With her own blood and flesh she fed the beast that i ve become
With her own blood and flesh she fed the beast that i ve become