Sometimes this body feels like a curse, an abstraction of what I really am, a clean input with skewed output, each turned thought and best-laid plan.
Eating dirt and drinking puddles like I feel like I deserve isn't gonna help me feel like less of a mess unlike crumbs and tap water can. It's too real.
It's too real to feel this far away. It's too real to feel this far away.
I'll put a match up to my draft card, greet empty symbolism with its twin. it's great practice for our greetings and rhetorical questions.
I want a new start with new family and new friends and a new bookshelf. I think I'm happy with some wholesome interests but wholesome and lonesome just sound too alike. It's too real.
It's too real to feel this far away. It's too real to feel this far away.
Where do I get off feeling ignored? What have I done to earn that right? I can hear your footsteps upstairs but you might as well be miles away.