first snow, first snow, on the streets, on the streets that's where the autumn winter meets first snow, first snow, on the streets, on the streets that's how heaven the winter greets ooohhhhh ( this line goes as a veery low tune)
(Some time for bear-kind-of-dancing while interlude. The funny thing can happen if interlude starts at midnight, then we can say we sang this humming peace for some years)
first snow, first snow, on the streets, on the streets that's when the baby mother needs first snow, first snow, on the streets, on the streets that's how mother the baby feeds oouuhhhhh
(the next one is a gentle one)
first snow, first snow, on the streets, on the streets that's when lover the lover needs that's when the lover lover needs on the streets, on the streets ( THIS TIME WITHOUT OOOOHHH)
Claping, claping, claping! Well done, come together kids right now, oh, yeah and have a look in BrainStorm's pocket of sweet dreams! They all are yours!! Be happy