Breath of death, a game for two, Breath of death, choose a life, Breath of death, a game for two, Breath of death, choose a life.
1. You like to risk, your life is only a game, You do not love changes and are not afraid of death, The life gives you chance, what do you choose, Life or death, day or night, You wish to love, but you think of death, Time will cure your wounds, and you will forget pain, We live in the world of lie, there are shadows around us, But do not be afraid, they are dead.
2. You feel pain, is like a virus, It eats you inside and silently kills you, You feel the breath of death, it gets stronger, Choosing life, you choose death, The life is fleeting, and beautiful as a dream, But everything passes away to the end, You ran away from yourself, but always came back, Do not search for death, choose a life.
3. All the world is against you, your shout will not help you, Only light at the end, it waits for you, To die is not frightful, believe me, Only a weak breath, you will feel it, An easy touch of a wind, and a blinding light, They are envoys of death, they will find you, You cannot escape, there’s nowhere to run, They follow you, you are alone.