· Wizard Man I’m a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man! I’m a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man! Electricity shoots from my finger-nails! Electricity shoots from my finger-nails! I’m a wizard wizard a wizard wizard a wizard man! I’ll melt your brains! A wizard wizard wizard man am I!
· Moo Moo Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo Moo Moo Moo! Moo Moo Moo! I am a cow! Moo Moo Moo! I have bells! Moo Moo Moo! I am a cow! (Jason) I milk the cows That’s my only job And I fear the wizard He should be impeached I hate my job but That’s a different story I have a weird relationship with a cow
· Wizard’s Baker I am a baker And today is my birthday And I just turned one years old And I’m very cold Cause I just found out I’m a baker man And I live inside a baking can With soft and pretty Baker’s hands And I’m also lonelyyyy-yyyy…yyy
· Wizard #2 Dwayne: Now the wizard is hungry Make some pies, make them for me Brendon: Yes my master that sounds good please don’t kill me Melissa: I will give you milk! Brendon: Thank…you! Jason: I’ll do the milking! Brendon: A-thank you! Jason: You’re…welcome! Brendon: Hey here’s some pies lets have a- All: Pie fight! Pie fight! Pie fight!