Tisoč v nebo je junakov klicalo preden poslednjič zaprli so oči v krvi in mukah roteče kričalo Morani naj pride da smrt jim stori
Prosila dekleta so mladih vojščakov da prizaneseš nedolžnim možem oni pa v bitkah klicali z očakov nad horde sovraga so tvoje ime
Ko veter zapiha in gozd se stemni se s strmih bregov v doline spusti v megli in snegu sestopa z vrhov krvava boginja v spremstvu volkov
Thousands of heroes screamed to the sky before for the last time they closed their eyes in blood and torment they pleadingly cried to Morana to come and end their lives
Girls of young warriors begged and begged to spare their loved ones from claws of death meanwhile in battle they summoned her ghost the one who would slay the hordes of their foes
When winds blow and darkness engulfs the forests from hills to the valley a shadow descends through mist and the snow the bloodied goddess treads followed by wolfpacks that tear them to shreds