The sunrise wakes the city A day is born in this scene The mist is still fresh in the grass
The morning paints the clouds red and sitting at a park-bench, I'm feeling proud of my small town
All this light green, perfectly well blended with the concrete, which surrounds the park in this city, the city of lovers every corner is another world
Later the river wind will make me shiver the train tracks will take me back home Streets full of music, art, people and poetry and history is always about
In the night time, I'm in a cab 'Will you mister take me somewhere nice?' 'Well say young man, what do you enjoy?' 'Where would you prefer?' 'Where would you prefer boy?'
I'm nowhere and it's now I don't really care about the seconds that have passed In a minute I’ll be asleep, It could be eight AM or it could be half past three