y0u are my sweetest d0wnfall i l0ved y0u first i l0ved y0u first beneath the wreck and rubble lies 0ur truth i had t0 g0 i had t0 g0 we were s0 y0ung when we first met
s0llux he kissed my hand said if y0u g0 ill understand but t0ld me that he l0ved me and kissed me 0n the hand and hist0ry b00ks f0rg0t ab0ut us and the signless didnt menti0n us and the signless didnt menti0n us n0t even 0nce
y0u are my sweetest d0wnfall i l0ved y0u first i l0ved y0u first beneath the stars came fallin 0n 0ur heads but theyre just 0ld light theyre just 0ld light we were s0 y0ung when we first met
s0llux let g0 0f my hand i said if y0u g0 ill understand t0ld me he w0uld miss me and let g0 0f my hand 0h he killed me 0n a summer night my wh0le life ended in a flash 0f light but i t0ld him things w0uld be alright and he held me til the m0rnin light the m0rnin light and he held me til the m0rnin light
s0llux he kissed my hand said if y0u g0 ill understand but t0ld me that he l0ved me and kissed me 0n the hand 0h we c0uldnt h0ld 0ur dem0ns d0wn yeah we c0uldnt destr0y a single 0ne and hist0ry b00ks f0rg0t ab0ut us and the signless didn't menti0n us n0t even 0nce