theres this guy who comes 2 trollbucks and i kinda wanna tap that yeah i kinda wanna tap that but is he dtf
he comes in at 4:13 and i smile an say sup sexy yeah i smile and say sup sxc but b4 i wink hes left
so today @ 4:13 i decided i should chgnge this i decided i shluld change this so i spiekd his drink w/ gin
and 2day at 4:13 when i smiled and said sup sexy he said did u put something in this and i was liiiiike yeah dude ur fucked cha chinnggg score one for roxy lalonde also did you know these doors can lock from the outside? friends in low places buddy, we are about 2 get to know each ohter.
i guess youre stukc with me now we;ll party hard the whole day long
and he was like grl im gonna sue you which provides the inspirtaiotn for this song
rufio, dont call the cops we're stuck insdie this coffeeshop but rufio, dont call the cops i love you, i love u, i luv you
so tell me all about yourself i wanna know your deepest sercets i wanna know your deepest sectrest like do u have any ink yeah its only 4:13 and im not off till 7 so lets talk about your feelins and your fucked up creepy kinks ;)
we can pass aronud the bottle cuz you gotta loosen up now its confefssion time with roxy buddy no 1 else will know and hey look this isnt kidnap we;re just sharing converstaion u got hotness, i got vodka this is all just quid pro quo
i said are u into blonde chicks cause i think we could maek this work
he said "im older than your fahter" and im like "i dont even hav a dad u jerk"
rufio, dont call the cops were stuck inside this coffefsehop but rufio, dont call the cops ilu, i love you, i love u
i am conivcnedd that we could have a flawless time 2gether we might be locked inside this place but you can be sure that i know some ways to make it better ;)
rufio, dont call the cops we/re stuck inside this coffeeshop but rufio, dont call the cops i luv you, *i loev you, *i love you
already memoized your number every nite i go home + creep ur tumblr rufio, don;t call the cops i leov eyou, *i loove you, *i luuuuuuuuv uuuuu ily, iloveyou, i love you Read more at