I had a secret I had to keep it I thought that I was alone Was I a phony Playing with ponies Was I no longer a bro? People would judge me Mock me and tease me I couldn`t see an end Then finally I found them More from my fandom A community full of friends! I am a brony! Proud to admit Don`t care what the people say I am a brony! Friendship is magic We do it the brony way Now we flood all the forums Draw, create Have gatherings every weekend We are learning to love and tolerate A community full of friends! I am a brony! Breaking divides I like ponies and have a beard I am a brony! I will not hide Because some might think it`s weird We won`t let the established rules dictate What things we`re allowed to love When we are learning to love and tolerate A community full of friends! Why is there such a stigma Why don`t the people know Bronies are just as weird As a girl with a G.I.Joe We`re going to stand up tall We`re going to show them all Anyone can love ponies Big or small! I am a brony! Proud to admit Don`t care what the people say I am a brony! Friendship is magic We do it the brony way We won`t let the established rules dictate What things we`re allowed to love When we are learning to love and tolerate A community full of friends!