KEITH Welcome, Stallions and Gentlemares! I'm Keith, and I'm from a little town called Martindale. If you haven't been to Martindale - and you probably haven't - I bet you've been somewhere just like it. Its a typical town with lots of families - parents and children trying to get along. MRS. MASON Awww! KEITH And like anywhere else, there are leaders and there are followers. The basketball captain and his teammates. AUSTIN/BRANDON/NICK Huh huh huh! KEITH The head cheerleader and her squad. MADISON/KELSEY/BREANNA Go Stallions! KEITH The school principal and the custodian. JACOB Sigh. KEITH Martindale High is just like any other school. Full of normal people doing normal things. And then there’s me. I'm a bro who loves cartoon ponies. I’m a brony. Now, I bet you're wondering how - and why - does someone become a brony, especially in a place like Martindale? Sure, ponies are cute, but there’s something else happening. Ponies inspire goodness. They are creative muses. They are the spirits of caring, truth, joy, trust, sharing and love. And who couldn't use a little more love? Ponies may come to you in cartoons, you may see them in other people, you may find them in yourselves.
KEITH (coni.) But whenever one brony is in need, the ponies are there. Whenever two bronies are gathered in their name, the ponies are there. And whenever anyone has a lesson to learn, the ponies are there.