We call you Messiah Messiah is your name Son of God anointed one heaven sent to save We call you Savior Savior is your name Holy one redeemer that is why you came
CHOIR: Emmanuel Emmanuel God right here with us Emmanuel Emmanuel Your name is Jesus The holy one from heaven The promise for all man Emmanuel Emmanuel
We call you healer healer is who You are Come open blinded eyes mend broken hearts We call You light of the world light of the world You are Shine down Your Brightness Lord and guide us through the dark
BRIDGE: And Your name shall be called O come Emmanuel Wonderful, counselor And Your name shall be called O come Emmanuel Mighty God prince of peace And Your name shall be called And Your name shall be called
Emmanuel Emmanuel God right here with us Emmanuel Emmanuel Your name is Jesus Your name is Jesus The promise for all man Emmanuel
Your name is Jesus, Your name is Jesus Your name is Jesus