I dont need no hook for this track i scream psalm 23 and leave em acting like Jordan was back I scream Christ because its neccessary, without Him homies is dying looking like Jayz fadn the black So i came to change perspectives i come preaching the Christ, the True Messiah who dont hang from ya necklace I mic 2,1 check this cause dudes is unsecure and wide open like the boarderlines of Texas I see you tip-tipping dipping curves in ya lexis sin gotcha covered from ya feet to where ya neck is So we like Abraham riding to rescue Lot preaching the good news to homies that's on block Cause homies hustling hurriedly running against the clock in custody of iniquity check the time on ya watch You can tell that it's time for change gone sell out to God, and let His love nickel and dime ya mayne
Chorus- I dont need no hook fa dis all i need is da Holy Ghost and 66 books for dis I got the cure for da crook wit this, i preach Christ to the masses, and getcha off the hook wit this 2xs
I preach Christ the Nazarene, dawg, the Son of the Blessed the incardinated Word of God seen in the flesh So when He speak we listen, cause His words bring life, and He's more than a prophet, He aint david corresh But He's the Truth and the Life, we down to die for the Dude believeing the good news, we dont follow for the food. But we follow with a zeal, for our sins He were bruised and we follow cause of faith, no pictures no clues We surrendered like war criminals, know what He do like walking on water, we dont even say it was the shoes We promote mankind, accept the Father of time, Who tossed the demons to swine Who turned the water to wine Who give the sight to the blind when othas want to stone you for adultary, He neal in the sand and draw lines Yeah, we throw them crosses up like it's a piru sign listen homie, you need the blood but not the dimu kind, gnah
Chorus- I dont need no hook fa dis all i need is da Holy Ghost and 66 books for dis I got the cure for da crook wit this, i preach Christ to the masses, and getcha off the hook wit this 2xs