Why are there so many, games about homos and why is it wrong to be white? Games are like movies but only with walking and stories that are way too trite It's been so long and most can't quite remember but games were once more than we see someday we'll find it that old game perfection the gameplay, the gamers, and me who said that every game would have to appeal to those who don't play anyway Anita thought of that and journos believed it and gamers are dead so they say what's so amazing that keeps us on praising those games that we once played with glee Some day we'll find it that old game perfection the gameplay, the gamers, and me All of us playing til dawn, we know that it's probably graphics Have you been shitposting? and have you heard neckbeards? I've heard them calling me gay Is this the old board that made the young Vivian? That place that's still raging today It had been posted too much to ignore it And I am inclined to agree Some day we'll find it That old game perfection The gameplay, the gamers, and me La da da di da da dum da duh da da dum di da dum