When my heart and mind divide In civil war I remember all the lies Both sides have told before I decide not to decide Forevermore
There's a creature in the casket Of your dying mind Planting seeds where your daisies will grow In a soil of your toils And your dark despair Leafless trees sprout up From your lifeless bones
There's a monster at the bottom Of your cold, cold heart And he drinks all the blood in your veins Until all that is left you Are the hardest parts You're the stone On your own soul's grave
What kind of stone Casts it's curses at the sky? There was a time that you cried Hallelujah by and by Now you cover in the corners of your mind
I beg come down From your horse up in the sky No one else can do right In your condescending eyes Yet when you fail You claim there's no such thing as right
I beg come down From your high horse Before the fire runs it's course Where you're bound There's no awfuller way to drown