C4NV4535 v2.0 Lo5t it5 w4y 5o high Knock3d from th3 night 5ky
5h3 f3ll to th3 34rth to ri53 'Com3 b4ck hom3' th3 night 54ng Th3 night 54ng 'Com3 b4ck hom3'
4lon3 in th3 mi5t (4lon3 in th3 mi5t) Lit by h3r glow 5h3 found h3r w4y in th3 5now 4 voic3 whi5p3r3d ju5t 'L3t go”
To follow m3 (follow m3) Into th3 534 (Into th3... 534) Through for35t5 4nd tr4il5 Through hill5 4nd through g4l35' Th3 B4bylon Outw4rd it 5hon3 Th3r3'5 4 n3w lif3 (Th3r3'5 4 n3w lif3) 4nd I c4n't think twic3 (4nd I c4n't think twic3) 4nd nothing 3l53 C4n 533m to t3ll f4ct from fiction (fiction) I c4n't 533m to Br34k 4w4y
Dr4w your 3y35 to th3 c4nv45 5ki35 Th3 53tting 5un 5hould not glow upon (Not glow upon) Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow (Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow) Dr4w your 3y35 to th3 c4nv45 5ki35 Th3 53tting 5un 5hould not glow upon (Not glow upon) Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow (Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow)
N3v3r th3 on3 to know N3v3r th3 on3 to know
5h3 533m5 to follow th3 5tr4ight35t lin3 5o pl4c3 it b3tw33n th3 d33p35t divid3
Thi5 b34uty th4t'5 5urrounding m3 Your conv4l35c3nt light will 533 It'5 k33ping m3 w4rm 4t night
Oh won't you 5hin3 5o bright 5hin3 5o bright for m3 For I 4m 5truggling 5truggling to 533
Now you'r3 5hining 5o bright Now you'r3 5hining 5o
Dr4w your 3y35 to th3 c4nv45 5ki35 Th3 53tting 5un 5hould not glow upon (not glow upon) Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow (Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow) Dr4w your 3y35 to th3 c4nv45 5ki35 Th3 53tting 5un 5hould not glow upon (not glow upon) Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow (Th3 533d5 th4t w3 5ow)
Imp3nding within our n4tur3 to R353rv3 th3 right To hold on to