Kaval sviri, mamo, gore, dole, mamo, gore, dole, mamo. Kaval sviri, mamo, gore dole, mamo, pod seloto.
Ja shte ida mamo da go vidja, da go vidya mamo, da go chuja.
Ako mi e nashencheto shte go lubja den do pladne, ako mi e jabandzhijche, shte go lubja dor do zhivot. ❧ The kaval is playing, mother, up, down, mother, up, down, mother. The kaval is playing mother, up, down, mother, below the village.
I will go, mother, to see it, to see it, mother, to hear it.
If it's a guy from our village I'll love him from dawn till dusk, If it's a stranger I'll love him all my life.