Io mi distruggo, et ardo Nè trovo al mio dolor conforto, e pace, Ch’un sol pietoso sguardo Temprar non può d’Amor l’ardente face, Nè sfogar posso in pianto il dolor mio Come viver poss’I[o?] Occhi, deh per pietà, mentre splendete E dolci saettando il cor m’ardete, Toglietemi la vita Ch’Io vò morir se non mi date aita.
I waste away, and burn, Nor do I find comfort for my pain, or peace, For a single merciful glance Cannot temper Love’s burning torch, Nor can I vent my pain with tears. How can I live, Eyes (alas, for mercy), while you shine And, sweetly shooting your arrows, burn my heart? Take my life, For I wish to die if you do not come to my rescue.