An t-eilean mu thuath, an iomull a' chuain An t-eilean 's an d'fhuair mi m'àrach Far an d'fhuair mi 's mi òg bainne fìorghlan ri òl 'S bha m'anam tigh'nn beò 's a' fàs leis
An t-eilean a tuath, an t-eilean tha fuar 'Se Leódhas bho thuath mo ghràidh e Far nach cluinn mi ri m'bheò bhi sealg no bhi 'g òl No làmhadh no òrd air an t-Sàbaid
Nach mis' tha gu truagh gu tùrsach 's fo ghruaim Bho chuir mi ri tuath mo chùlaibh Nuair choisich i dìan chuir i curs' oirre 'n iar 'S thug dorchadas dhìomsa Mùirneag
Chan eil math domh no stàth bhi tuiream 's a' chàs Chan aithreachas tràth a th'ann domh Chan urrainn mi snàmh gu cuideachd mo ghràidh No coiseachd air tràigh do Leódhas
An t-eilean mu thuath, an iomull a' chuain An t-eilean 's an d'fhuair mi m'àrach Far an d'fhuair mi 's mi òg bainne fìorghlan ri òl 'S bha m'anam tigh'nn beò 's a' fàs leis
The isle to the north, by the edge of the ocean The isle where I was brought up Where I got when young the purest milk to drink And my soul came alive and grew with it
The isle to the north, the island that's cold It is Lewis, the isle of my love Where I'll never hear hunting or drinking Or chopping or hammering on the Sabbath
I am very sad, depressed and poor Since I turned my back on the north When the boat got underway she set a course for the west And darkness swallowed up the hill of Muirneag
It won't do me any good to lament my state My feeling of remorse is not new to me I can't swim across to the people of my affections Or walk on the shore of Lewis
The isle to the north, by the edge of the ocean The isle where I was brought up Where I got when young the purest milk to drink And my soul came alive and grew with it