Gur h-ann an Amerigeadh Tha sinn an drasd' Fo dhubhar na coille Nach teirig gu brath, 'N uair dh'fhalbhas an dulachd 'S a thionndaigh's am blaths Bithidh cnothan, bith ubhlan 'S bithidh an siuca a fas.
Mo shoraidh le fàilte Chinn-tàile nam bò Far an d' fhuair mi greis àrach 'S mi 'm phàisde beag òg; Bhiodh fleasgaichean donna Air am bonnaibh ri ceòl, Is nionagan dualach, 'S an gruaidh mar an ròs.
It's in America that we are now, in the everlasting darkness of the woods when winter is gone and warmth returns the hazels and apples and maples will be growing.
My farewell and greetings to cattle-rich Kintail where I passed the time of my upbringing when I was a little young child; there were brown-haired youn men on their feet to sing and beautiful long-haired girls with rosey cheeks.