On chuir mi mo chùl ri stùcan eilean as bòidhch' Gu bheil mi gun sunnd fo thùrs' 's mo chridhe fo leòn Nuair thig na mo chuimhn' na glinn san robh mi o m' òig Far an iarrainn bhi tàmh gach là cho fad 's bhithinn beò
Bheir sùil air mun cuairt 's a bhruaichean uile 's iad làn Seamarag is neòinean, sòbhrag bhuidhe ann a fàs Smeòrach nan geug air sgèith a'caithream gu h-àrd Cò chunnaic e riamh nach iarradh ann a bhi tàmh
Bha'm pailteas ann riamh den bhiadh 's cha bhitheadh oirrn èis Bha iasg ann is feòil 's gach seòrs' air an cuireadh tù feum Tha lus ann a fàs bheir slàint' a dh'iomadach crèuchd Ann an eilean beag Bheàntraigh 's àille leam tha fon ghrèin
Translated from the Gaelic by Murdo Macleod
The Leaving of Berneray
Since I bade farewell to the beautiful hillocky isle I am weighed down with sorrow and my heart is heavy Recalling the glens of my childhood Where I would wish to live for the rest of my days
Take a look around and see its bountiful banks Where clover, daisy, and yellow primrose grow The thrush from the bough, on the wing, sings high above On seeing it the who wouldn’t wish to live there.
Food was always plentiful and we were never in need There was fish and meat and everything you required Flowers grow there which can cure many ailments On the small island of Bernera the most beautiful place to me under the sun.