Gu ma slàn a chì mi mo chailin dìleas donn; Bean a chuailein réidh air an deas a dh'éireadh fonn, 'Si cainnt do bheòil bu bhinne leam, An uair bhiodh m'inntinn trom, 'S tu thogadh suas mo chridh'-sa 'Nuair bhiodh tu bruidheann riùm.
Gur muladach a tà mi, 'S mi nochd air aird a' chuain, 'S neo-shunndach mo chadal dhomh, 'S do chaidreamh fada bhuam; Gur tric mi ort a smaointeach', As t'aogais tha mi truagh, 'Is mar a dean mi d' fhaotainn Cha bhi mo shaoghal buan. Sùil chorrach mar an dearcag Fo 'n rosg a dh'iathas dlùth Is gruaidhean mar an caorann Fo 'n aodann tha leam ciùin - Mur dh'aithris iad na breugan Gu'n tug mi fheinn dhut rùn 'S gur bliadhna leam gach latha Bho'n uair a dh'fhàg mi thu.
Tacan mu'n do sheòl sinn, Is ann a thòisich càch, Ri innse do mo chruinneag-sa Nach tillin-sa gu brath; Na cuireadh sud ort gruaimean, A luaidh, ma bhios mi slàn, Cha chùm dad idir 'uat mi Ach saighead chruaidh a'bhàis.
Tha'n t-snaim a nise ceangailte, Gu daingeann is gu teann, 'Se their luchd na fanoid rium Nach eil mo phrothaid ann - Am fear aig am bheil fortan, Tha crois aige 'na cheann, 'S tha mise taingeil, toilichte, Ged tha mo sporan gann.
------------------------- Healthy do I see you, my faithful brown-haired lass; Damsel of the well-groomed tresses, singer of the songs; The words from your mouth so sweet for me When my mind was melancholy, And you uplifted my heart Whenever you spoke to me.
Despondent I am, Tonight on the high seas, And uneasy my sleep Your companionship far from me: Oft-times do I think of you As your image leaves me sad, And if I can not have you My world will not last.
Passionate eye like the berry Beneath lashes that hover close And cheeks like the rowan In a countenance calming to me. There were those who spoke falsehoods About my intentions towards you, But to me each day seems like a year From the time that I left you.
A short time before we sailed, That's when others began To tell you my own darling That I would not return; Do not let that disturb you, My dear if I am well Nothing will ever keep me from you But the cold arrow of death.
The knot is now tied Firm and secure; The scornful ones say to me That I am at a disadvantage, Like the man of great riches Whose wealth is the cross he bears, But I am happily thankful Though my purse be spare.