G-Tech & C-Blast - The Proffessor The Persuader - Absolute Reliance Cari Lekebusch - Tool Track Alexi Delano, Tony Rohr - Neuroplastivity The Persuader - Transform Human Locomatica - Arcanum (Cari Lekebusch remix) Cadans - Samsa Joseph Capriati - This Then That Jesse Jakob - Jaak Alex Bau - Reversed Heiko Laux & Diego Hostettler - Namib (Rocco Cain remix) Dustin Zahn - the Mouth of Montreal Alan Fitzpatrick - Confessions of a wanted man (Benjamin Damage remix) Major North - Annilihate (Petter B Tribute mix) Bryan Chapman - Tor Gary Beck - Hopkin Brian Sanhaji - Data Logger (Jonas Kopp remix 2) The Persuader - Fusion of Thought (Par Grindvik remix)