What the hell is Tom Hanks doing here in this music vid sitting in bed in pajamas mouthing along?
And why is he doing such a terrible job of it?
Guess he didn’t learn all the lyrics to this song.
Oh no
This guy’s movies have made billions He’s won 2 Oscars and earned millions He’s one of the world’s biggest movie stars So why do this dumb video?
You ask why am I in this video? Well let me tell you I was signing several contracts and I got confused I must have mixed up all my papers cos the next thing I knew I had signed up to be in this Source: LYBIO.net
What is wrong with you. You’re too famous to be in a pop song vid It’s embarrassing! I know! But I signed a contract and if I back out I could be sued We really can’t Believe we used
It’s been more than 3 years since ‘Call Me Maybe’ was a hit After that my career fizzled out too soon I knew if the next song i released was a piece of shit Carly [cant wait to see u! picked up lube for later…] Tom [OMG really?? Can’t wait!] I’d end up waiting tables pushing a broom Carly [oops wrong person] Tom [cover eyes] Hell no Music is a competition You have to make sure people listen So I made a vid everyone will watch Cos it shows Tom Hanks lip syncing This was a desperate and totally calculated move Put a huge star in my new vid to drive YouTube views
Why the heck does Tom Hanks have a Tinder profile I’m confused? I have no clue I searched for girls and he’s on mine too His lip syncing’s so bad that they hired us to dance and distract from that.
Hi there Tom Hanks I’m driving by in a car waving to you! This is all just product placement is this over soon?
This shot uses lens flare like J.J. Abrams I hope this shoot wraps soon I’m really losing patience! We’ve just got one scene left We’re doing the dance scene next I need to tell you something I’m extremely constipated right now Ew You want some prune juice n*gga? Yeah! This is the worst dancing that anybody could ever do There was no time to rehearse it Cos I’m leaving soon The choreographer looks sick I think he’s about to puke Source: L Y B I O . N E T
I can’t take this awful dancing I need a men’s room! I’m so fed up with this! Hey Justin Bieber! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m here. I’m producing a new movie you’d be the perfect star dude it’s a remake of Forrest Gump.
Wow I would love to — swag
Great! Just sign right here on the dotted line. Awesome, I always wanted to be a movie star. I bet you have. [laughs] Okay, boys. Justin here is playing Forrest Gump in the remake – lets get his legs ready, huh? Swag! Swag! Swag! Swag! Swag! Run,Bieber,run!