이제는 나도 알고 있어요 얼마나 늦었는지 빛을 바랜 거짓말은 하루하루 더 나를 조이고 돌이킬 수 없게 돼버린 건 그래요 내 탓이죠
차갑게 부는 바람에선 어제와 같은 향이 나요 여전히 변하지 않은 건 나 혼자 뿐인가요
이제는 나도 알고 있어요 얼마나 늦었는지 빛을 바랜 거짓말은 하루하루 더 나를 조이고 돌이킬 수 없게 돼버린 건 그래요 내 탓이죠
굳어져가는 내 맘에선 메마른 풀잎 향이 나요 슬픔뿐인 나의 하루를 그대는 아는가요?
한때는 나도 원망했어요 돌아서 버린 그대 차마 하지 못했던 말 그냥 이대로 묻어둘게요 돌아갈 수 없는데 이제 와 무슨 소용 있나요?
하지만 많이 고마웠어요 날 사랑해준 그대 전하지도 못할 편지 또 써봤어요
English Casker - Letter
Now, I´m also aware of it Just how late I was The light-faded lie, day after day It squeezes me more The thing that became irreversible.. Sure, it was my fault
In the cold wind blowing I can feel the same fragrance as yesterday As before, the only thing that hasn´t changed Seems to be me alone
Now, I´m also aware of it Just how late I was The light-faded lie, day after day It squeezes me more The thing that became irreversible.. Sure, it was my fault
In my hardening heart There is a smell of dry grass My day that is filled with only sadness Do you know?
Once I was also resentful(against) You who turned away The words I couldn´t hold back, just like this I will bury them We can´t go back, and now What good would that even do?
However I was really grateful To you who loved me Again I tried writing this letter that I can´t even give to you