Well, my past is dryer than the fucking desert, I milked it like a cactus in Santa Fe, It's a bit like my home town dried up and wasted, And sadly it get more like that everyday, This place is as arid as the Sahara, Except the ground is covered in two feet of snow, And I was passed out next to Interstate 25, And I should have left that spot hours ago.
Sleeping under a bridge is less enjoyable alone, Though a block of concrete and my own two feet, Have been as good as any home, And I come from a town where in our colder months, The temperature drops more than 15 degrees below, And incredibly the peoples dry fuckin' stares, Remain a hundred times colder than the snow.
My past is dryer than the fuckin' desert, I milked it like a cactus in the sand, And I drained that motherfucker for all he was worth, And now I'm stuck here pulling thorns out of my hands.
This routine is getting old, I think it's started growing mold, And i just hope that it rains soon, So these robots will short out.