Jisas yu holem han blong mi (Jesus, hold my hand) Yu tekem han blong mi (take my hand) Aba mi kraeaot fo yu (Abba, I cry out for you) Yu nao faen evri gud samting (You find every good thing) Long disfala wol (in this world) Aba mi kraeaot fo yu (Abba, I cry out for you)
Jisas mi kam long yu nao, uuu (Jesus, I come to you now) Yu tekem mi distaem, uuu (Take me now) San Jisas mi kam long yu nao, uuu (Son Jesus, I come to you now) Yu tekem mi distaem (Take me now)
Baba mi daon tenk yu long yu (Abba, I humbly thank you) Fo sendem San blo yu fo dae fo sins blong mi (for sending your Son who died for my sins) Waswe i re-redi fo hem (So I will be ready for him) Baba hem i kam, mek yu dae fo (Abba, he will come again)
Jisas mi kam long yu nao, uuu (Jesus, I come to you now) Yu tekem mi distaem, uuu (Take me now) San Jisas mi kam long yu nao, uuu (Son Jesus I come to you now) Yu tekem mi distaem (Take me now)