Reborn a thousand times at the face of the divine , and never controlled through the ages . Originator of the stillborn universe , Who has written the chants of human’s omen . Present in each of us , faceless creatures and raping our beauty from inside . Reaching the highest point of mind corruption when we set free the way to our hearts . With all his force , within our souls changing our flesh , carving our thoughts … Open your being to the grand host ! Gloria in excelsis Déo !!!
Refuse to greet the gleam inside you , And let enter the dark . Babylon still lives inside you and she’ll be the womb of the world infection . Built upon shame , built upon remains ; with prostitution as blood . Spread the semen of unity in Evil and spawn a child named destruction ! Thus thee are the incarnation of the poisoned life , bringing the wine of wrath to mankind , turning nations against nations , fathers against sons !
To behold the stars as fallen angels , and to behold darkness as the serpent’s sun ; I have experienced the blood of millions , worn the mark of the Devil and feared the truth , veiled my vision with things totally out of time , accepted events which never happened before . I have let my reason be infected and my self lived his existence for enter an unknown realm of a thousand malignancy .