整片櫻花森林 已開滿 zheng pian ying hua sen lin yi kai man The entire sakura forest has already blossomed 一眨眼都落盡 白花瓣 yi zha yan dou luo jin bai hua ban In a blink of an eye, they have all fallen, exhausted as white petals 減弱我的跫音 聲聲慢 jian ruo wo de qiong yin sheng sheng man (And) soften the sound of my footsteps 風在樹梢彈琴 曲中斷 feng zai shu shao tan qin qu zhong duan The wind strumming a tune over the treetops is cut short
問你 尋尋覓覓 尋尋覓覓 (I) ask you, what do look for, search for? 你在找什麽? What are you looking for? 一點點 一滴滴 yi dian dian yi di di A little bit, a drop 此刻已過了 ci ke yi guo le This moment has already passed 爭分奪秒 畢竟人生如夢 zheng fen duo miao bi jing ren sheng ru meng \"A race against time\" is after all a\"life is but a dream\" 挺身跟我一起乘風 ting shen gen wo yi qi cheng feng Straighten (your) back and ride the wind with me 沒什麼不可能 mei you sheng me bu ke neng There isn't anything that cannot be done
早春帶來暖度 溪急流 zao chun dai lai nuan du xi ji liu The early spring brings with it warm rivers 波紋中一步步 水滲透 bo wen zhong yi bu bu shui shen tou Within the currents, at every step, the water permeates 已喝乾的酒壺 遠漂遊 yi he qian de jiu hu yuan piao you Afterwards, drink from the wine cups and distantly drift along 乍見早已涉渡 繼續走 zha xian zao yi she du ji xu zou (It) suddenly appears that long ago, (I have) continued to wade across the stream
歲月如流 sui yue ru liu The passage of time 將我奪走 jiang wo duo zou Has just been snatched from me 趁時間還來得及牽我的手 chen shi jian hai lai de ji qian wo de shou Take advantage of the time, for you can still hold my hands 一起走 yi qi zou And (we may) walk together