One could wonder how An entire nation can, be cruel enough, to support a government That imposed to the world, a twisted vision of democracy Invaded a foreign country, for no legitimate reason And ignored, humankind's, plea for, diplomacy
One could wonder how A small group of people can, be greedy enough, to sell their fellow men Sacrificing thousands of them, to gain control of a territory All disguised as a noble act, in the name of liberty And peace, all blessed, by a just and loving, just and loving God
But the answers why are everywhere There's a neverending flow of misinformation Spreading fear in the media, as a daily mission Building a entire nation of terrified individuals Willing to believe anything, to secure their rituals
How do you justify? murder of helpless beings when you claim to be helping? The invasion of a country when elsewhere stands the ennemy? How do you justify?all the good intentions when you witness the social slavery of the nation? God's blessing, when all you create is pain and suffering? How do you justify all the lies when everything you stand for is crumbling before our eyes?