Yoobin(rap) I have never loved; I have no memory of love I have let go of love completely I’m tired of man like you Don’t try to contact me again, please Don’t look for me again like a man, forget me completely and have a nice life
Chun G 1 Until I smoke my last cigarette Can you endure to sit with me just for a moment? Now you say it wasn’t love Why don’t you just tell me you found another person? Then I’ll smile and turn away I won’t even hope for a friendship However we did love each other Chorus Be happy; don’t ever look for me again I’m letting you go like a man; however my eyes still search for only you Why couldn’t I kneel down in front of you and beg? I’m sorry I’m a weak man 2 Until I finish my last drink Can you stay by my side? My last hope will be gone with my last swallowed tears However we still loved each other It was indeed love We were indeed very happy Chorus Be happy; don’t ever look for me again I’m letting you go like a man; however my eyes still search for only you Why couldn’t I kneel down in front of you and beg? I’m sorry I’m a weak man
Don’t leave, just for a moment, please look around I’m telling you to hold onto me first If we separate I won’t take it If it’s really the end I don’t want it Why can’t I say it? “I love you, don’t leave me”
Yoobin Don’t leave
Chun G Don’t leave, no, be happy Even if I fool myself about forgetting you My tears seek after only you I couldn’t hold onto you, asking you to stay Sorry I’m just a weak man Sorry I’m just a weak man