Datemi Pace Give Me Peace —Cipriano de Rore —Cipriano de Rore Datemi pace, o duri miei pensieri. Give me peace, o my jarring thoughts. Non basta ben ch’Amor Fortuna e Morte Is it not enough that Love, Fate,and Death Mi fanno guerra intorno, e’n su le porte, Senza trovarmi dentro altri guerrieri? wage war all about me, and at my very gates, without finding other enemies within? E tu, mio cor, ancor se’pur qual eri? And you, my heart, are you still as you were? Disleal a me sol; che fiere scorte Vai ricettando e se’ fatto consorte Disloyal to me alone; for you harbor fierce spies, and have allied yourself De’ miei nemici si pronti e leggieri. with my enemies, bold as they are In te i secreti suoi messaggi, Amore, In you love reveals his secret messages, In te spiega Fortuna ogni sua pompa, in you hate boasts all her triumphs, E Morte la memoria di quel colpo and Death awakens the memory of that blow Che l’avanzo di me conven che rompa; which must surely destroy all that remains of me; In te i vaghi pensier s’arman d’errore: In you gentle thoughts arm themselves with lies: Perche d’ogni mio mal te soloincolpo. —Francesco Petrarch Wherefore I charge you alone guilty of all my ills.