If angels are real, I can hear their halos collapsing above me, And if the devil is real, i can feel him breathing inside of me Every day i wake up at 5am, i drive 60 minutes To see the blank expressions on the faces of pedestrians I get extremely worried by it. Why are such strong human beings acting in such a way? What worries me more is questioning myself. Why am i feeling the same? It seems that a lot of my peers are \"bored\" with life. I guess all of the distractions around us aren't enough to keep us satisfied anymore. bored with life. Are we so spoiled as human beings that we can actually be \"bored\" With something as beautiful and extraordinary as life? Maybe we aren't pushing ourselves hard enough to change this fact. Because, im not bored, im busy. Oh what i would give to be \"bored\" I would rip my heart out of my chest and drag it through Broken glass to achieve such a goal. But still, i worry. I worry for the future generations who will never know what it's like To have a real childhood, the kind that you and i had. We are so fucking consumed by technology That our brains will be made of computer chips and wires soon enough. But there is still hope. An extremely tiny spec of it, but it's still floating around somewhere. Waiting. Wishing. Praying. For something better. all words we can relate to and latch on to. If angels are real, I can hear their halos collapsing above me, And if the devil is real, i can feel him breathing inside of me