Rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it handles almost anything without using energy rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it's propably the most interesting, usefull SCP
yeah there are 5 options to choose, let's see what you can use Rough (rough) dismantles or destroys your stuff Coarse (coarse) dismantles and refines of course one to one (one to one) get similiar things when it's done
fine (fine) a better version of an item yay very fine (very fine) can change your item in a very strange way Choose an option of your choice, and then it will make some little noise be carefull when you're using it, depends on the user what it will commit
Rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it handles almost anything without using energy rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it's propably the most interesting usefull SCP
eyedrops, origami, playing card, keycard omni shredded paper, radio, joint, S-nav 310
These aren't all the items yet there's more to find, much more to get place it in the intake booth and turn the knob and this machine will do its job
Rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it handles almost anything without using energy rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it's propably the most interesting useful SCP Rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine it handles almost anything without using energy rough, coarse, 1:1, fine and very fine go check it out, put something in, then wait and see