Oh I am a year old kid I'm worth scarcely fifteen quid. I'm the kind of beast you might well look down on But my value will increase At the time of my decease For when I grow up I want to be a bodhran.
If you kill me for my meat You won't find me very sweet. Your palate I'm afraid I'll soon turn sour on. Ah but if you do me in For the sake of my thick skin You'll find I make a tasty little bodhran.
Now my parents Bill and Nan, They do not approve my plan To become a yoke for every yob to pound on Ah but I would sooner scamper With a bang than with a whimper And achieve reincarnation as a bodhran.
I look forward to the day When I leave off eating hay And become a drum to entertain a crowd on And I'll make my presence felt With each well-delivered belt As a fully qualified and licensed bodhran.
And 'tis when I'm killed and cured My career will be assured I'll be a skin you'll see no scum nor scour on But with studs around my rim I'll be sound in wind and limb And I'll make a dandy, handy little bodhran.
Oh my heart with joy expands When I dream of far-off lands And consider all the streets that I will sound on And I pity my poor ma Who has never seen a Fleadh Or indulged in foreign travel as a bodhran.
Well, a cat`s lives they are nine But they are not very fine And a dog has much material to growl on But 'tis when you are a goat You can strike a merry note That`s provided you have first become a bodhran.
For a hornpipe or a reel A dead donkey has no feel Or a horse or cow or sheep that has its shroud on And you can't join in a jig If you're a former grade A pig But you can wallop out the lot if you're a bodhran.
So if e'er you're feeling low To a session you should go And bring me there to exercise an hour on. You can strike a mighty thump On my belly, back or rump But I thank you if you'd wait till I'm a bodhran.
When I dedicate my hide, I'll enhance the family pride And tradition is a thing I won't fall down on For I'll bear a few young bucks Who'll inherit my good looks And be proud to know their old one is a bodhran.
And I don't think I'll much mind When I've left himself behind For the critter can no longer turn the power on For with a celtic ink design Tattooed on my behind I can be a very sexy little bodhran
Now I think you've had enough Of this rubbishy old guff So I'll put a sudden end to my wee amhran And quite soon my bloody bleat Will become a steady beat When I start my new existence as a bodhran.
Пес(т)ня борана
О,я козленок,мне едва ль есть один год И цена мне едва ль 15 фунтов Я тот, на кого обычно смотрят с высока Но когда я окончу свои дни Цена моя возрастет Потому что когда я вырасту, я хочу стать бораном.
Если меня зарезать на мясо То оно окажется не особо вкусным И скоро оскомину вам набьет Но если вы убьете меня ради моей толстой кожи То из нее получится хороший маленький боран.
Сейчас Бил и Нэнси, мои папа с мамой Моих не одобряют планов стать Для всяких пройдох игрушкой Но я скорее буду буянить, чем плакать и рыдать И потом перерожусь в боран
Жду я не дождусь Когда же прекращу жевать сено И стану барабаном, буду веселить народ И все меня будут замечать Что я полноценный и полноправный боран.
Когда меня убьют и как надо обработают Определится моя карьера Я стану кожей, чистой и гладкой А по моему ободу будут бежать заклёпки И буду я здорово звучать - Буду я классным, удобным маленьким бораном.