Reality Conspiracy (2000 - stake through the heart)
What is reality? It's a conspiracy. Nothing but the impuls of our braine through actions of our senses.
Mankind is the disease they have the cure. Centuries of ignorance passed by in the hands of the oppressor. Join the conspiracy and release the enemy within.
We are not searching for the truth the truth is searching for us.
As the opposite of their kind we are insignificant. Used as tools in their hands to convert our minds. When we have the answers to their questions we need no longer to serve our mission will be complete.
We are not searching for the truth the truth is searching for us.
The key to liberation lies in wisdom. to tackle the legs that walk us to deafen the ears that command us. to blind the eyes that shut ours.
Against the grain lies the end of all our pain. What binds will blind us each man for himself to lift the curse of the conspiraty.