Amon, the sign of evil starves humanity as the cross is turned upside down Abaraxas, swallowing the useless in the night that lightens the crime
The black candle is raping again injection of demon-seed. Rising in moral decay devoting every breath to lust and greed
Finding peace in this apocalypse indulgence creates your decline Sacrifice that pleases the beast the taste of blood is like unholy wine
The black candle is raping again injection of demon-seed. Rising in moral decay devoting every breath to lust and greed
No demon will command my purified soul conviction is built on the truth Angels of justice will stay the beast and send it back to hell where it belongs
Tearing that pentagram to pieces and spit in face of your horned king
Expl: Many believe that satanizm is the solution to fight organized religions such as christianity and catholicism because it is the only religion which claims for total freedom of oneself. This very same freedom includes the abuse of children and animals. Torture and unnecessery sacrifices are justified in the name of satan. It is useless to fight religion with another religion, whether it's in the name of Jesus of satan, injustice should be punished and both forms of belief are guilty. Religion is unnecessary and stands in the way of individual development and freedom.