“Phantom. Spirits Among Us” is the first single of a coming album. This is a strong and edgie electronic work reminding of WARP and Ninja Tunes early releases.
Представляем первый сингл с будущего полноформатного альбома группы CONTROL LIGHT Это сильная и качественная работа в духе ранних релизов WARP и Ninja Tunes.
Control Light is a collaboration of two electronic producers: Egor Kovalyov and Timur Shramko earlier known as Panic Control. Ultra Vague Recordings / Ultra Vogue Records has already released three albums of this duo in the past. Do check’em out on our bandcamp page if you like this work.
Control Light: Egor Kovalyov Timur Shramko @control-light vk.com/control_light Label: uvrecordings.com fb.com/uvrecordings vk.com/uvrecordings @uvrecordings