“You know Alicia, don’t you?” Luke is saying, and he gestures to the immaculate blond girl beside him. I don’t know Alicia, as it happens. But I don’t need to. They’re all the same, the girls at Brandon C, as they call it. They’re well dressed, well spoken, are married to bankers, and have zero sense of humor. Alicia falls into the identikit pattern exactly, with her baby-blue suit, silk Hermès scarf, and matching baby-blue shoes, which I’ve seen in Russell and Bromley, and they cost an absolute fortune. (I bet she’s got the bag as well.) She’s also got a suntan, which must mean she’s just come back from Mauritius or somewhere, and suddenly I feel a bit pale and weedy in comparison. “Rebecca,” she says coolly, grasping my hand. “You’re on Successful Saving, aren’t you?” “That’s right,” I say, equally coolly. “It’s very good of you to come today,” says Alicia. “I know you journalists are terribly busy.” “No problem,” I say. “We like to attend as many press conferences as we can. Keep up with industry events.” I feel pleased with my response. I’m almost fooling myself. Alicia nods seriously, as though everything I say is incredibly important to her. “So, tell me, Rebecca. What do you think about today’s news?” She gestures to the FT under my arm. “Quite a surprise, didn’t you think?” Oh God. What’s she talking about? “It’s certainly interesting,” I say, still smiling, playing for time. I glance around the room for a clue, but there’s nothing. What’s she talking about? Have interest rates gone up or something? “I have to say, I think it’s bad news for the industry,” says Alicia earnestly. “But of course, you must have your own views.” She’s looking at me, waiting for an answer. I can feel my cheeks flaming bright red. How can I get out of this? After this, I promise myself, I’m going to read the papers every day. I’m never going to be caught out like this again. “I agree with you,” I say eventually. “I think it’s very bad news.” My voice feels strangled. I take a quick swig of champagne and pray for an earthquake. “Were you expecting it?” Alicia says. “I know you journalists are always ahead of the game.” “I. . I certainly saw it coming,” I say, and I’m pretty sure I sound convincing. “And now this rumor about Scottish Prime and Flagstaff Life going the same way!” She looks at me intently. “Do you think that’s really on the cards?” “It’s. . it’s difficult to say,” I reply, and take a gulp of champagne. What rumor? Why can’t she leave me alone? Then I make the mistake of glancing up at Luke Brandon. He’s staring at me, his mouth twitching slightly. Oh shit. He knows I don’t have a clue, doesn’t he? “Alicia,” he says abruptly, “that’s Maggie Stevens coming in. Could you—” “Absolutely,” she says, trained like a racehorse, and starts to move smoothly toward the door. “And Alicia—” adds Luke, and she quickly turns back. “I want to know exactly who fucked up on those figures.” “Yes,” gulps Alicia, and walks off. God he’s scary. And now we’re on our own. I think I might quickly run away. “Well,” I say brightly. “I must just go and. .” But Luke Brandon is leaning toward me. “SBG announced that they’ve taken over Rutland Bank this morning,” he says quietly. And of course, now that he says it, I remember that front-page headline. “I know they did,” I reply haughtily. “I read it in the FT.” And before he can say anything else, I walk off, to talk to Elly.