M-E-E-N ordinary rapper, which smoke my weed, and sells all the people taking the herb and land spirals of cigar, lodge grass,I set fire to his cigar, make injuries, go down the street to strangers areas, I've got so far in the mouth grass across the street a whiff of my grass! Oh.. my teeth are yellow, suspension I'm always on holiday give more grasses, and its prolongation, and goes the motherfucking grass I don't need the tobacco, cigarette, the motherfucking grass to make such a large 10 cm cigar to make more grass there, my best Gèngster B.G, gave him my cigarette and grass, Oh babe try my the motherfucking grass, Oh babe try my the motherfucking grass, in the morning, go out on the street to stand light a cigar, It will be Pistacia, and will Pistacia, and babes do the hustle, spank butt, stronger spank straight ass, touch it its a member, do not be shy, she will touch you, to keep the cigar its grass Fuck,why they hate my weed?...
Fuck,why they hate my weed? Fuck,why they hate my weed?
I think constantly about all, haven't smoked its grass, remember how I once with friends bombs grass, on the same day was drunk, Niggaz learn gave me five pieces in the grass, in the same cigarette in their day, this was the motherfucking manifesto, slapped against girls straight ass, before, it was so How to attack us, and this was the end, and there was no spanking, drunkenness, smoking, not many years later started again, Once I have the researchers all grasses It was plate, it is necessary to make chocolate, the taste of chocolate will be the motherfucking manifesto, It's not going to be shit and be so \"Bo\" Fuck,why they hate my weed?.
Fuck,why they hate my weed? Fuck,why they hate my weed?