Late night in Philly, for the third time just this week. Man, I really need a decent nights sleep. The phone rings on yeah, I think it's my Mom I sort of smile cause I know that she cares.
I know it's hard. With all the shit that I've brought, but Mom I love you, yeah I'll always come home.
Grew up with this kid John now he gets coked up in bathroom stalls. It's amazing how some people can change. When all you need are some friends and movies and some time to talk away the days.
I know it's hard. With all the shit that I've brought, but man, you gotta just let things all pan out.
So when you're feeling down, look up way past the stars. And know no matter where I go, I'm always looking up.
Sometimes it's hard to cope with change. That's fine with me and that's ok. Sometimes it's hard to cope with change, but I know I'll be ok.
So when you're feeling down, look up way past the stars. And know no matter where I go, I'm always looking up.
And if you need my look to the skies. Forward to the sky.