Disenchanted, you know we’ve grown tired Year after year, decade after decade Disenchanted, we got disconnected The delusions of the past fraternize with the lies of the present And tomorrow’s new certainties The truth can’t be interpreted We ain’t free to see all which was promised to us
We, we no longer believe We like to think it’s a choice, we believe we’re refusing submission
We follow the guidelines, we follow the policies We follow the procedures, we follow the routine
Disenchanted, you know our dreams were shattered We’re animals, puppets in a greater game Resisting has become a trend Behind the appearance, there is nothing Just a tremendous void
We’re rotting corpses, we refuse to believe Hopes and dreams seem untouchable
The wise man told me things were harder in his days Must be the only lie he’s willing to believe in Filled with rage or compassionate, how can we get out of this maze? We live in doll houses, we die in glass prisons Our freedom today gets lost in the cacophony But some are still struggling to resign, still struggling to comply The frustration gnaws like rust
From disappointment to despair, from resentment to regret Everything may collapse, everything may be questioned But I’ll never extinguish the very last light hidden deep within They will never find the key to close this last door
Disenchanted, not extinguished Disenchanted, not extinguished