Three legions of warriors, the greatest army anyone has seen It conquered the majority of the known world It subjected all the barbarous nations
The Rhine is far behind now, none have seen their homes for so long A fearsome and cruel leader, his enemies have died on the cross
His name is known beyond the empire’s borders Yet he’s unaware that the enemy walks with him Nourishing a hatred so deep, so secret He’s won their confidence, has merged among those he loathes He now leads thousands of men to their death
The forest’s splendor inspires confidence It has been raining for days, the narrow paths are muddy It seems that the empire could be extended indefinitely The columns are stretched, no battle formation needed They ignored advice and caution They did not want to see the wolf that mingled with them
Death strikes like a rude awakening In an instant they’re surrounded by the barbarian hordes Their spears are raining down and their swords are piercing the horses’ flesh The hour of revenge has finally come No lives are spared, some are taking their own
Three legions annihilated The humiliated empire is in shock Revenge will occur many years later But the rulers of the ancient world will never cross the Rhine again